Critical Career Move?
Redefining Coaching Standards: Guiding You Through The Complexities ...
One of the most recent developments in the job search industry is the evolution of the career coach as an essential component for any top-level job search campaign. We hear about coaches in the media, read about them in resume books, and even see them embodied through leadership pioneers, such as Clint Eastwood, an enduring cultural icon of masculinity, power, and success (the arts and politics). Seven years ago, when I first opened my doors, coaching was a virtually unknown profession. Today, it is evolving at a phenomenal rate.
That's why I am here.
By definition, a Career Coach is a trained professional who will guide you through the complexities of a customized sills assessment, job search planning, campaign development, career marketing, and long-term career management. The simple yes / no questionnaire will help you determine the value a career coach will be to you.
The simple yes / no questionnaire will help you determine the value a career coach will be to you.
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